how to clear cloudy pool water fast

Expert Advice On How To Clear Cloudy Pool Water Fast

Have you ever had the experience that on a hot summer day you eagerly want to jump into your pool’s cool water, but it turns out to be cloudy? Fortunately, this is not a big problem, with the right approach you can solve it easily. 

In this article, we’ll look at the most common causes of cloudy water and, of course, share quick and effective tips on how to solve the problem. With our tricks, you will enjoy crystal-clear water in your pool without fear and worry. 

So if you are ready to plunge into the world of perfect water, then continue reading our article!

❗️ Important tip:
You need to use the full set of chemicals to maintain the correct levels of all necessary substances. And as a consequence, the water will cease to be cloudy, and it will be much easier and faster to clean your pool.

What Causes Cloudy Pool Water

how to clear cloudy pool water fast

Cloudy pool water is a condition where the water loses its transparency, becomes unattractive and is impossible to swim in

In the experience of pool users, bacteria and various microorganisms are usually the cause of cloudy water. But these are not the only reasons for the loss of clarity, so let’s look at some more possible causes: 

  • Insufficient filtration: This process is very important in cleaning the water in the pool. If the filter is not working properly, it can cause it to stop removing small particles of dirt and dust, in turn leading to cloudy water. 
  • Low chlorine content: This substance is used to eliminate bacteria and pathogens. If the chlorine level is too low, hazardous chemicals might form, resulting in cloudy water.
  • Entry of extraneous microorganisms: If the dust, dirt, leaves, or tanning oil gets into your pool water, it all causes decomposition in the water and the appearance of bacteria. The bacteria, in turn, make the water become cloudy. 
  • Improper use of chemicals: Using the wrong components for water treatment, can lead to cloudy water. For example, if you add a few agents, it will cause insufficient water purification, and if on the contrary too much — chemical disequilibrium.
  • Many people: When many users are in the hot tub at the same time, this leads to a heavy load and increased contamination of the water, which causes clouding. 
  • Damage to cleaning filters and other components: If certain technical components are broken or damaged, they will not fully perform their functions, resulting in poor water purification and therefore cloudiness. 

What Are the Dangers Of Swimming In Cloudy Water In The Pool?

how to clear cloudy pool water fast

As experts, we do not recommend swimming in a pool with cloudy water. You should understand that such bathing carries certain health risks for you and others. 

Let’s take a closer look at these causes and why they occur:

🧹 Contamination: Cloudy water contains sand, residual chemicals, and foreign microorganisms. All of these can cause allergic reactions, irritation, and infections on your skin. 

👀 Poor visibility: Cloudy water limits visibility underwater, which in turn poses great risks to swimmers in the pool. When visibility is poor, it becomes more difficult to see obstacles and other objects (such as filters, and steps). It can lead to injuries. 

🦠 Spreading bacteria and disease: Cloudy water is a spreader of harmful microorganisms and infections. Such water can carry E. coli and skin diseases.

⬇️ Falling and slipping: Cloudy water causes sludge and silt to build up on the bottom of the pool. It can cause a person to slip, fall, and be injured.

🤧 Occurrence of an allergic reaction: Cloudy water contains dust, sand, dirt, mold, and other irritants. People who are prone to allergies after swimming in such water may experience symptoms such as itching, irritation, reddening of the skin, and problems with breathing.

All of these points are dangerous to your health, so it is better not to risks and not swim in such water. 

How To Clear Cloudy Pool Water: The Best Tools

How to Clear Cloudy Pool Water: The Best Tools

If your pool water is cloudy, do not worry too early, you can try to clean it at home by following simple rules:

  1. Pay attention to the cleanliness and condition of your water filter. More often than not, filtration is the key to cleaning, so you need to get the filter out and make sure it is unclogged and working properly. If you notice that it is dirty, take it out, carefully wash and clean it, then put it back in and check that it works.
  1. Turn on the water circulation system. This system is responsible for moving water from the pool to the filter and back. It plays an important role in keeping the water clean and chemically balanced by removing impurities and ensuring the proper distribution of chemicals. So you need to make sure that this system works. If not, turn it on and check the condition of the water after this process.
  1. Check the pH and chlorine levels in your pool. An improper balance of these components can result in cloudy water. Use special test strips to check the levels of these two chemicals. If at least one or the other element is lower or higher, properly balance them. 
  1. Use simple plastic balls or green peas. These substances have special properties to collect fine particles and improve water clarity. Add a small amount of green peas to your pool and stir the water. The balls will attract and combine dirt and dust particles. It will help them settle to the bottom or clean into the filter. 
  1. Use microfiltration with a rag. Take a clean cloth (not synthetic), and put it on the end of your pool cleaner or cleaning nozzle. Then slowly go over the walls and floor of your pool. It will help remove dirt and clean out plaque and mold. 

How To Clean A Cloudy Pool With Baking Soda

How To Clean a Cloudy Pool With Baking Soda

Baking soda (or, as it is also called, sodium bicarbonate) can be used to clean pool dirt and cloudy water. However, this ingredient is not a panacea for cleaning and maintenance, but when it is used properly, can significantly improve water quality. 

We’ve prepared a step-by-step cheat sheet for you on how to properly use baking soda to clean your pool. 

Step 1: Before using baking soda, balance the alkalinity and pH chemistry. Use special test strips to determine what level these components are at. Baking soda brings the acidity level to the right level. You should add it when the pH level of your water is below 7.2. This will help to bring the pH back to normal and clean the pool of bacteria. 

Step 2: In order to properly use baking soda, you need to determine the right amount of baking soda to add so as not to disrupt the water chemistry. Add half a cup of baking soda for every 10,000 liters of pool water. After that, stir it thoroughly so that it dissolves completely. 

Step 3: Pour the baking soda solution evenly completely over the entire surface of the pool. Use a baking soda brush to spread the baking soda evenly over the pool surface. Then allow the baking soda to settle for one hour. 

Step 4: After the baking soda has settled in the pool for an hour, turn on the filtration system and leave it for 4 to 12 hours. While filtering, you can gently pierce the dust and dirt bubbles with a pool brush. It will help the filter deal with the dirt faster and easier. 

Step 5: After the baking soda water purification process, you can retest the water to make sure all the chemicals are at the proper levels. 

What To Do If The Pool Water Is Still Cloudy After Using Chemicals? 

how to clear cloudy pool water fast

So, we have already figured out that most often cloudy water is due to such causes as: 

  • Low chlorine level
  • Unbalanced pH and alkalinity
  • Incorrectly cleaned filter
  • The presence of bacteria in the water 

You can use chemicals for cleaning, but what if after using them the water in the pool is still cloudy? Let’s try to get to the bottom of this question. 

📌 Use a flocculant. A flocculant is a special chemical (of which few users are aware). This ingredient helps to cluster small particles of dirt and dust, and can then be easily removed with a special water vacuum cleaner or with a filter. Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before use for best results. 

📌 Use a special sand filter with a higher rinse rate. It is famous for increasing the backwash speed, so the filter works much better and faster. After using it, the water in the pool is noticeably cleaner.

📌 Do a complete water change. Drain all the water from the pool, then clean the bottom and walls well with disinfectants and chemicals, and rinse the filter.

📌 Turn to the professionals. If none of the above methods helped, then you should contact professionals in the field of pool cleaning. They will help you find the root of the problem and deal with it. 

How To Prevent Cloudy Water In The Pool

How To Prevent Cloudy Water in the Pool

In order not to further agonize with the purification of water, it is better to follow the tips that will help prevent contamination and cloudy water

💧 Filter your pool water regularly. It will help clean the water of dirt and bacteria. Run the filtration on a schedule and keep the filter running as recommended. It is advisable to turn it on after every use of the pool. 

🧹 Regular removal of mechanical contaminants. You may need devices like vacuum cleaners, nets, and brushes for proper and gentle cleaning. All of these devices will help remove excess dirt and dust as well as prevent them from entering the water and decomposing accordingly.

👁 Watch out for the correct number of people. Each pool has its maximum allowable number of vacationers. If this number becomes higher, there is too much load on the cleaning filters. You can also ask your guests to take a shower before the pool. It will help reduce the amount of oils, creams, and other substances that cause cloudy water.

🌊 Ensure sufficient water circulation in the pool. You should make sure that the pump and filter are working properly and have sufficient capacity to treat the pool water. Also, remember to clean the filters regularly. It will help keep the water crystal clear and clean.



Clean and clear water is not only aesthetically pleasing but also a healthy and safe environment for swimming and recreation. If you keep your pool clean regularly, the water will not cloud frequently, and you will spend less time cleaning it in the future. 

It is always important to remember that the purity of the water is directly related to your health, and this aspect can not be neglected. If you notice that the water in your pool has started to turn dark and cloudy, use our tips for quick and effective cleaning. By following these simple rules, you can safely and comfortably spend your vacation.

📌 Recommendation:
Always make sure that the alkalinity level does not fall below 7.2. Then you will have the correct acid environment.


❓ What takes cloudiness out of pool water?

Cloudy water in the pool can be eliminated by simple actions. Proper chemical maintenance, regular pool cleaning, and correct circulation. It is also very important to constantly monitor the cleanliness of your pool so that you don’t start the problem.

🏊‍♀️ Is it OK to swim in a cloudy pool?

Cloudy water can contain many bacteria and various microorganisms, all of which can be very dangerous to your health. Experts strongly advise against accepting a pool with muddy and dirty water.

🌊 Can a shock clean the cloudy water in a swimming pool?

Shock chlorination can be an effective method for treating cloudy water. It helps to clean the water of bacteria, algae, and contaminants. This process involves the addition of large quantities of chlorine for quality and rapid disinfection.

⏰ How do I clear cloudy pool water in hours?

One of the fastest methods to clean pools of cloudy water is to increase the filter’s run time and capacity. This will help remove the dust and dirt that is in the water faster and better.

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Peter Rossi