It seems that the process of heating a hot tub drives you crazy, or at least greatly worries you. Otherwise, you would hardly have opened our article. We understand, that sometimes heating water takes so long (about 24 hours) that the desire to use it is already gone. Especially when you see those huge energy bills.
Many people don’t know what kind of lifehacks to use to heat a hot tub faster and pay less at the same time. That’s why we decided to collect all the useful tips in one place, so you’ll love your hot tub even more.
The process of heating a hot tub

Let’s start with the basics. The hot tub is usually heated with a heater. It always comes with a hot tub, but it can be changed or upgraded if necessary. The heater works fine by default, but it can always be improved (more on that later).
An alternative way to heat your hot tub is to use a heat pump. It is not as efficient as a heater, but you can use it to keep the water at a certain temperature (usually 80-90 degrees). But keep in mind that a heat pump is 3 to 4 times slower than a gas heater, and will not be a good deal in the wintertime.
Now let’s go through the steps you follow when you want to heat your hot tub:
0. Suppose your hot tub is outside and it’s winter. Then you need step zero — clean the snow off the cover and around the hot tub.
1. Turn on the water and wait for the hot tub to fill enough to cover the jets.
2. Turn on the jets. This is to ensure that the water heats evenly and that no “pockets” of cold water are formed. The jets move the water and help heat it evenly.
3. If you took the cover off, you’d better put it back on. It will help retain heat and warm up your hot tub faster.
4. Wait for your hot tub to reach the desired temperature! Typically, a hot tub heats between 3 and 6 degrees in an hour, depending on the model of your tub.
8 tricks to heat a hot tub faster

We’ve put together a shortlist of small (and not-so-small) moves that will help you heat your hot tub faster and more efficiently. For convenience, we have divided them into universal (suitable for every case) and specific (for a particular place or under certain weather conditions) tips.
Universal tips to heat any hot tub faster
- The cover is of great importance. It is better not to remove it while the hot tub is heating because otherwise half of the heat escapes into the air.
- In addition, the age of the cover also matters. If it is already old and heavy, it can have a negative effect not only on heating but also on your health. First, it will become a haven for lots of microbes and dirt. Second, when the cover absorbs a lot of water, it becomes heavy and loses much of its effectiveness. It is better to just replace the old cover — it will cost you much less in the long run.
- Remember to clean your hot tub filters according to the filter types. The fact is that dirty filters can slow down the heating process and limit the water flow altogether.
- The heater can (and sometimes should) be replaced. Initially, almost all hot tub heaters work well, but over time they can wear out and slow the heating instead of speeding it up.
❗Note: The heaters usually need to be replaced after 3-4 years of regular use. It is difficult to say more precisely because it depends on how often you use your hot tub and what condition the water has been maintained in.
- Turn on the jets because they will help heat the water evenly.
- Use a floating hot tub thermometer and watch the temperature rise. This way you will check if the thermometer, which is built into the hot tub, is working properly. In the end, simply compare the indications to make sure they are accurate.
Specific heating tips
- If you haven’t installed your hot tub yet, think carefully about where to install it. If possible, find a location with natural shields that can protect your hot tub from the wind. These can be trees, for example.
- Think about the weather in your area during the winter. If temperatures don’t drop below freezing and you don’t plan on using the tub much, you don’t have to keep it on all the time. But if the winters are harsh, and you like to warm up in the hot tub at least a few times a week, we recommend keeping the hot tub on all the time to save money and time.
4 reasons why a hot tub heats up slowly

Balzac said that everything comes to those who wait, but you must agree that waiting is torturous. So don’t be philosophical about the fact that your hot tub is heating up too slowly. There can be several logical explanations:
- If your water heats up but is very slow, you may just need to replace the filter. A heater that is constantly turning on and off also indicates you need to replace the filter. Hot tubs that are used frequently will need to replace these cartridges more often. If you don’t know how to replace the filter in your hot tub, check the manufacturer’s manual, contact your retailer, or look it up online.
- If there is nothing wrong with the filters, check the thermostat next. It may not be calibrated correctly. Also, check the heat sensors, they may be faulty. If so, don’t worry — they’re not hard to replace and are usually inexpensive.
- Another problem could be water circulation. How to check it? Inspect to see if the pipes are clogged. Low water levels, clogged pump wings, closed valves, or blocked hot tub drain covers can also cause flow problems. Generally, it is best to drain and clean the hot tub. You may need to use a flush-line product here.
- Check that the cover is well seated. As we mentioned before, it has a strong influence on keeping the hot tub warm.
Heating a hot tub in winter VS summer

The difference between using a hot tub in winter and summer is quite significant. In fact, in the summer you might want to use it for cooling rather than heating! But, of course, it depends on the weather in your area in the summer.
Of course, the bigger concern is heating and hot tubs in the winter. We so emphatically advise against completely turning off the hot tub heating, because it takes a long time to heat it again later, and it wastes a lot of electricity because of that. Of course, if you use your hot tub often. We advise keeping the water temperature in the hot tub around 38°C in winter, or a little lower when you’re not using it.
Also, make sure that the cover always fits tightly on the tub and is well insulated. By the way, you can turn off the jets when you are not using the hot tub because then you do not have to heat the water perfectly evenly. Just turn them on before the next use.
A hot tub can become your favourite device in the summer as well. You can maintain a temperature of about 29-35°C (depending on how you like it) or turn off the heater altogether and cool off in it at any time.
A few handy little tips: you can turn on the jets to circulate cool water throughout the hot tub. Also, leave a cover on your hot tub when you’re not using it to protect the water from the heat of the sun.
📍By the way, don’t forget to change the water in your hot tub at least every three months. It’s best to do it just as the season changes.
Keeping your hot tub heat up — secret lifehacks

To keep your hot tub warm, you must first take care of the condition of your heater.
(We’ve already talked about the importance of the cover, clearing snow from it, and the location of your hot tub)
To keep your heater running longer, follow a few rules:
- Make sure your water chemistry is balanced. This will prevent corrosion and keep your heater and your hot tub as a whole running longer.
- Be sure to purge all air from the system after each maintenance session. The presence of air in the lines will cause the heating unit to fail prematurely.
- Check your filter, don’t forget to clean it and change it if necessary. If clogged filters prevent water from fully flowing to the heater, it may simply burn out.
Heating a hot tub isn’t that complicated, is it? If you follow all the care tips and little tricks described above, you’ll kill two birds with one stone: save money and heat the water in the tub faster.
Of course, a lot depends on what kind of hot tub you choose: the heating element, the cover — it all makes a difference. Yes, everything can (and should) be replaced over time, but after all, you can initially buy a better model that will last longer. Choose wisely and enjoy your hot tub, and we will try our best to make your choice as easy as ABC.
🛁Does the hot tub heat up faster with jets on?
We advise turning the jets on to ensure that the water heats evenly and that no “pockets” of cold water are formed. The jets move the water and help heat it evenly.
🚀How can I heat my hot tub faster?
We’ve collected a lot of tips for you, but first of all pay attention to the quality cover, clean filters, and the place where you are planning to install your hot tub.
💰Is it cheaper to heat a hot tub all the time?
If you plan to use your hot tub at least a few times a week, keep it on all the time. But if you’re going to use it once a week or less, it’s best to turn it off after use to save money on your bills.
👁️🗨️What temperature do you keep in a hot tub when not in use?
We advise keeping the temperature 5 degrees cooler than when using a hot tub. Then you’ll need only about an hour to heat it before the next use. On the other hand, these 5 degrees will save you money for something more important.